About New York Mortgage Coaltion
Rebecca Senn
Rebecca Senn
Executive Director
212-742-0762 ex 1
As Executive Director, Rebecca Senn works collaboratively and strategically with community-based organizations, financial institutions, private-sector institutions and consumers in providing the tools necessary for successful homeownership. She also shares best practices, including the use of technology and data to inform NYMC’s work.
Ms. Senn first joined NYMC in 2012. In her previous roles at NYMC, she oversaw the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Housing Counseling Grant Program for a total of 11 sub-grantees. In this capacity, she was responsible for the overall grant management, reporting, data management and training needs of the sub-grantees.
She also worked as NYMC’s Director of Compliance, Program Manager and Program Assistant. In those roles, she oversaw various pilot programs and grants, including the National Foreclosure Mitigation Counseling program, and the Neighborhood Stabilization Program, administered in conjunction with the New York City Housing and Preservation Department.
Ms. Senn has a professional background in grants management and community development having worked at the New York Council for the Humanities and the New Jersey Governor’s Office under Governor Corzine on health and environmental policy.
Ms. Senn holds a B.A. with honors distinction from Centenary University, with majors in Political and Governmental Affairs and Sociology with a concentration in Human Services. She earned her Master’s in Urban Studies and Planning from Fordham University, and Nonprofit Financial Stewardship from Harvard University. Rebecca is a scholarship awardee of the Achieving Excellence Program in collaboration with NeighborWorks America and Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government.